Our Green Features
We believe that building green is simple building smart! Mamaroneck Self Storage is a very energy efficient building constructed to meet the rigorous energy-efficiency and sustainability standards of NYSERDA's New Construction Program, partnering with high performance building consultants, Steven Winter Associates.
Mamaroneck Self Storage features the following energy-saving features:
High performance spray foam insulation
High efficiency HVAC equipment with:
- Variable frequency flow (VRF) heat pumps for heating & cooling
- 65% efficient Energy Recovery Ventilation (ERV) system for mechanical ventilation
Interior and exterior LED lighting on motion sensors
8 Kw solar system, featuring Solar Shingles
According to Steven Winter Associates and NYSERDA, Mamaroneck Self Storage is approximately 55% more energy efficient over baseline standard construction with an annual operating cost savings of $35,000. Mamaroneck Self Storage is also a member of the Westchester Green Business Challenge, (sponsered by the Westchester County government and the Business Council of Westchester), the first new construction building to work toward "Westchester Green Business Certification".